Together, we can ensure a bright future for all of us!

 Pledge Your Support of the Recall Efforts for Greene & Elkins 

Pledge your Support HERE







Who Are We?

Senate District 50 Republicans is the official political unit of the Minnesota Republican Party that represents the interests of Republicans of the eastern and southern portion of the city of Edina and the western and central portions of the city of Bloomington. 

Save the Date!  

April 10, 2025: CD 5 Annual Convention at Crystal VFW, 5222 Bass Lake Rd., Crystal MN

April 12, 2025: CD 3 Annual Convention at Wayzata Middle School, time TBD

SD 50 Press Release: Unattended Ballots at Edina City Hall. SD 50 GOP Press Release: Unattended Ballots

Sign up here to subscribe to the SD 50 Newsletter::  Subscribe for SD 50 Newsletter

Click here to read our latest newsletter Read Conservative News, Issue 6

Our Mission

Senate District 50 Republicans of Minnesota support the core values of the Republican Party: Personal responsibility, free enterprise, fiscal responsibility, and limited and sensible government. Through our efforts, we will select, endorse and support candidates who reflect our values. 

We will communicate our values to our voters and reach out to those who desire to embrace the Republican Party.We are dedicated to promoting conservative values and empowering our community through effective leadership and advocacy. We strive to foster a strong sense of unity and engagement in our community. Join us as we work together to uphold the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and economic prosperity. Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure a bright future for Senate District 50.  

WE want to hear from you. 

what you have to say matters.